Monday, November 12, 2012

Important Business

I'm reposting this from my Facebook, but I have a huge burden to get this word out right this minute.

I'll post something a little less deep tonight or tomorrow. :)

Ok... I've always stopped myself from posting this because I was afraid of offending someone... Which, if you actually know me very well, is a laughable thought. Anyway, I realized today that this is a lie that has worked very well. So, if I offend you, I'm sorry. Delete me or talk bad about me or whatever. I have to at least say this because I know once I do, potentially, 500 or so people will have "heard" what I have to say...

If you have been my facebook friend for more than 5 minutes, you can hopefully tell that I believe in God. What's more important than just "believing in God" is knowing that Jesus Christ is God's Son. He lived a perfect, sinless life on earth so that he could die in our place. See, the Bible tells us that we all sin. (Sin is not just "doing bad things", rather it's doing what we want instead of what God wants.) God is perfect and just. He requires payment for sins. That payment is death. Not just physical death, but eternal death. Meaning, when you die here, it is required that we spend eternity away from God because of our sin. But because God loves us and wanted to make a way for us to still be with him in Heaven despite our sin, he sent is perfect son Jesus. Jesus then died a physical death on the cross to take the punishment for the sins of the entire world. Now, the Bible tells us that if we will call to him and ask for this gift of forgiveness, he will freely give it to us. You don't have to "be good" before you can get it - we can never be good enough! All we have to do is pray and ask Jesus. When you ask, he will give it. Then from that point, we are called to follow Christ... We live for him, so that our lives honor God and show this very lost world the only solution to its problems - Jesus Christ.

I have prayed this morning for whoever reads this, that God would open their hearts to hear it. I will keep on praying, and I know that he has a plan. :) Please don't put this off. You never know when your life here on earth will end.

Please message me if you want to ask questions! I'm more than happy to answer what I can or help you find the answers if I don't know them...