Yesterday, I spent nearly and hour and a half trying to get my precious almost-3-year-old boy to take a nap. I tried everything I could think of, and none of it worked. After finally coming to grips with the fact that a nap was just not happening, I polled my Facebook friends to see if I could get some new ideas.
There were several great ideas, and one (from my sister, and actually not on Facebook) was to introduce a "quiet rest time" for all of the kids. She suggested allowing them to read, draw, or play quietly, as long as they stayed in a horizontal position in their beds. So today, we did just that.
I was beyond delighted that the new plan seemed to work! The baby girl slept like she usually does, and the other three that are here occupied themselves quietly for 30 minutes. Granted, thirty minutes isn't really very long, but I figure I'll get what I can and at least it's a start!
So after they were all allowed to get up, I sat in the floor with my baby girl. The older 2 went outside, and our precious man-cub went to the playroom. Happily basking in my success, I started to post an update to all of the, I'm sure, very concerned Facebook friends I have. As I'm in the process of describing the whole ordeal, I look up to see a naked kid, who shall remain nameless, running across the house. As if the random streaking wasn't enough, he announced to me that he had shed his DIRTY pull up AND peed in the floor like a dog. In complete horror and grossed out confusion, I chased the naked child, cleaned him and the house, and calmly explained why one should never take off a dirty pull up, pee on the floor, and run naked through the house.
And so is the story of my life as the owner of a traveling circus...
P.S. I'm currently very thankful for disinfectant and baby wipes. :-/
Welcome to my life when my little girl looked at me (as she too was naked) barked and pooed in the floor! Love ya