Friday, May 16, 2014

29 Things I've Learned in the Last 29 Years

Well, tomorrow is my 30th birthday. How weird! That sounds so grown up, and I do not feel so grown up most of the time.

I'm not at all an expert at life, but I feel like I've been taught quite a bit in these last 29 years. I've filled a lot of roles, made a lot of mistakes, and had a lot of sweet happy moments. So I wanted to share just a little bit of what I've learned with you.

29 Things I've Learned in the Last 29 Years

1. People change - sometimes for the good; sometimes for the bad. But you can never force a person to change.

2. "Stuff" really doesn't matter. There's no reason to hold so tightly to things - that's not where the memories are.

3. Coffee is fantastic. Really.

4. If you put Jesus first, all of the other things in life really do fall into place.

5. Just because things fall into place, it doesn't mean things will go smoothly. They almost never do.

6. When a bill is paid off, it is very likely that a new one will take its place.

7. They say, "Time flies." It does.

8. Someone always has it better than you. Someone also always has it worse than you.

9. There is more in the world than what I see.

10. Likewise, I am actually not the center of the universe.

11. Planning, in general, is a good thing.

12. They just don't make TV shows like they used to.

13. The Bible says that children are a blessing from the Lord, and they absolutely are.

14. Sometimes even your blessings make you want to pull your hair out.

15. Godly parents, grandparents, and other family members are also a blessing from the Lord. Their wisdom is irreplaceable.

16. Don't be too quick to think someone else's way of doing things is strange. You may find yourself doing things the same way one day.

17. It is possible to be tactfully honest without "sugarcoating" things.

18. Real friendship is not limited by distance or time.

19. There's just nothing like eating peanuts at the ballpark and watching the Rangers play.

20. There's a thing I call the "mother's curse" ("You'll have a child that acts just like you one day!"). It's for real. And some of us were such "blessings" that it takes 7 kids to bring all of those special qualities back into our lives.

21. Cherish what & who you have in your life. Nothing is guaranteed to be there forever.

22. Pain, whether physical or emotional, is never fun. But pain brings strength. Pain brings growth. Pain brings something new.

23. Life is too short to save your fine china. Eat a hot dog on it.

24. Being the parent who says "no" stinks. But it's necessary.

25. Making good friends is harder as a grown-up than it was as a child.

26. Games like tether ball, 4-square, hide-and-seek, and kickball are still the best ever.

27. You're never too old. For anything.

28. "Do not be misled: 'Bad company corrupts good character.'" - 1 Corinthians 15:33

29. There is nothing in life more important than making sure you are right with God.

30. Take lots of pictures. Because you really will forget.

Can't wait to see what God teaches me in the next 30 years! :)

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